For Bioheat® Dealers

Electrification Toolbox

Electrification Awareness Infographics

To help heating fuel dealers and associations communicate to consumers the reality underlying the “Electrify Everything” movement, AEC has developed Electrification Awareness Infographics. These eye-catching and informative infographics are supported by a compelling, well-researched and thoroughly sourced data.

Sources: U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Preliminary Monthly Electric Generator Inventory, October 2021; EIA, Electricity Data Browser; “Deep decarbonisation: the multi-trillion-dollar question,” Wood Mackenzie, June 27, 2019; “The $7 Trillion Cost of Upgrading the U.S. Power Grid,” Hyman L., Tilles, W.,, February 25, 2021; Aldhous, P., Lee, S. Hiriji, Z., “The Graveyard Doesn’t Lie: The Texas Winter Storm and Power Outages Killed Hundreds More Than The State Says,” BuzzFeed News, May 26, 2021; EIA, Annual Electric Power Industry Report; Freeman, G.M., Apt, J., Blumsack, S., “Could on-site fuel storage economically reduce power plant-gas grid dependence in pipeline constrained areas like New England?” The Electricity Journal, June 2021; “Methane: A crucial opportunity in the climate fight,” Environmental Defense Fund; “State of the Grid: 2018,” ISO New England, February 27, 2018; Blackmon, D., “New England’s ‘Clean Energy Transition’ Seems Heavy on Fuel Oil,” Forbes, January 17, 2022; McFall-Johnson, Morgan, “Over 1,500 California fires in the past 6 years — including the deadliest ever — were caused by one company: PG&E.” Business Insider, November 3, 2019; Singer, S., “New England’s power system is at ‘heightened risk’ heading into winter. Grid operator warns of possible power outages if an extended cold snap hits the region.” Hartford Courant, December 6, 2021.

Sources: Sweetser, R.S., Albrecht, R., “The Economics & Environmental Performance of Biodiesel vs. Electric Heat Pumps,” September 2019; Harrington, M., “Heat-pump promise falls short for North Babylon ratepayer,” Newsday, March 14, 2021; Islam, N., Butcher, T.A., Levey, J., “Development of a Best Practices Guide for Integrated Hydronic and Ductless, Air-Source Heat Pump,” New York State Energy Research Development Authority, May 2021;Black, J. “Final 2021 Heating Electrification Forecast,” ISO New England, February 19, 2021; Hodge, T., “Wholesale electricity prices trended higher in 2021 due to increasing natural gas prices,” U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), January 7, 2022; “Short-Term Energy Outlook,” EIA, January 11, 2022.

Sources: “Coal’s sharp rebound is taking it to a new record in 2021, threatening net zero goals,” International Energy Agency (IEA), December 17, 2021; “U.S. fossil fuel consumed by source and sector, 2020,” U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA); Electricity Market Report – January 2022, IEA; Burrows, L., “Leaky natural gas pipelines are tip of the iceberg,” The Harvard Gazette, October 26, 2021; Laws, E.A., Aquatic Pollution: An Introductory Text, 2017; “Power Plants and Neighboring Communities,” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); “Understanding the Connections Between Climate Change and Human Health,” EPA; “EV Consumer Behavior,” Fuels Institute, June 2021; lvarez, R.A., et al., “Assessment of methane emissions from the U.S. oil and gas supply chain,” Science, June 21, 2018.

Sources: Alves, B., “Largest electric utilities based on market value in the United States as of April 2021,”; “Pollution Payday: Analysis of executive compensation and incentives of the largest U.S. investor-owned utilities,” Energy and Policy Institute, September 2020; “2021 Electric Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction Survey,” J.D. Power; Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, Diversified Energy Specialists, 2014-2019; Levin, T. “How long does it take to charge an electric car? It depends,” Business Insider, October 18, 2021; “EV Consumer Behavior,” Fuels Institute, June 2021; 2022 Global Automotive Consumer Study, Deloitte, January 2022; Sweetser, R.S., Albrecht, R., “The Economics & Environmental Performance of Biodiesel vs. Electric Heat Pumps,” September 2019; 9; Harrington, M., “Heat-pump promise falls short for North Babylon ratepayer,” Newsday, March 14, 2021; “New England’s power system is at ‘heightened risk’ heading into winter. Grid operator warns of possible power outages if an extended cold snap hits the region.” Hartford Courant, December 6, 2021.

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