About AEC

Who We Are

The American Energy Coalition (AEC) is a grassroots organization that advocates for the liquid home heating fuel industry and Bioheat® fuel, the renewable home heating fuel and the dealers who sell and deliver it. Formed in 2008, the AEC represents dealers throughout the United States, as well as manufacturers of Bioheat® fuel heating equipment and other professionals and vendors who work in the industry. Learn more about Bioheat® fuel.

Our Mission

Our mission is to respond to the challenges our industry is faced with today. We will accomplish this through a unified voice, competitive response, consistent message, targeted marketing and consumer education.

The American Energy Coalition supports the independent companies that provide Bioheat® fuel to American consumers and businesses. Bioheat® fuel dealers operate in a highly competitive environment, competing against fossil gas and electric heating utilities that work aggressively to lure away their customers.

The fossil gas and electric heating utilities devote enormous resources to denigrating Bioheat® fuel with misleading information, and the AEC helps consumers understand the truth by promoting the benefits of Bioheat® fuel and its providers and countering the misleading information proffered by the utilities.

Our Accomplishments

The American Energy Coalition has made many huge strides in their efforts to advocate on behalf of the Bioheat® fuel industry and spread the truth about fossil gas and electric home heating. However, we’re only just getting started. View some of the AEC’s accomplishments thus far, and look out for more great things to come.

Our Supporters

The American Energy Coalition is funded completely by voluntary donations, and it is these contributions that allow the AEC to protect the interests of Bioheat® fuel companies and their customers. See a list of the AEC supporters, and make a donation. We appreciate your support and look forward to working with you and for you.

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