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Clean Up Corporate Emissions with Bioheat® Fuel

Bioheat® fuel delivers savings and clean energy to business, industry and commercial properties.

What types of businesses use Bioheat® fuel? Virtually every business, office building, manufacturer and multi-family apartment building that has an oil-fueled burner is using a blend of Bioheat® fuel right now. Up and down the East Coast, most liquid fuel dealers are delivering Bioheat® fuel to their customers, and minimum blends of B5 or higher are the standard in most Northeastern states.

Why use Bioheat® fuel for your business?

  • Your company should use Bioheat® fuel because it’s the right thing to do. It lowers your carbon emissions, reduces our dependence on foreign oil-producing countries, supports American farmers and small businesses, and can be the cornerstone of your company’s environmental portfolio.
  • If you are still using a heavier heating oil, converting to Bioheat® fuel costs a lot less than switching to a different fuel source.
  • Properties that use #2 oil can make the switch as seamlessly as homeowners did – the retailer just delivers the cleaner fuel!
  • Major universities and landmarks all over the country run on Bioheat® fuel because they can rely on its there-when-you-need-it supply and consistent heat.

Bioheat® Fuel and ESG

Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) reports show how public and private companies are changing their business operations to improve something other than their bottom line. These intangible assets are important to consumers and investors. Many major investment portfolios will not include organizations that do not have strong ESG. Using higher blends of Bioheat® fuel and biodiesel can help companies reduce their emissions of carbon, sulfur, nitrous oxide and other greenhouse gases. Their renewable liquid fuel retailer can provide documentation of the reduced emissions based on the amount of biodiesel in their fuel.

Cooking up clean energy!

Bioheat® fuel powers a fully circular recycling system! Your local restaurant uses vegetable oils to prepare fried chicken, mozzarella sticks, French fries, chicken nuggets and donuts. The used cooking oil (UCO) is picked up by a recycling company, which filters and processes the UCO into biodiesel. Some of that biodiesel will be blended into Bioheat® fuel, and some will go into the gas tank of the truck that will deliver the Bioheat® fuel back to the restaurant for its heating system.

  • The restaurant saves money. Management doesn’t have to pay for the waste removal, and many recyclers pay for the UCO.
  • Fewer waste products are sent to landfills or poured down drains to clog pipes and sewer lines.
  • UCO generally creates the cleanest type of biofuel and one of the lowest-carbon fuels of any type.1 The biodiesel reduces emissions from the truck and the restaurant’s heating equipment.

The U.S. produces enough UCO to fill more than 4,542 Olympic-sized swimming pools, or more than 3 billion gallons a year2 – that’s enough to replace about 10% of the country’s diesel needs!

Cleaner transportation for people and products.

The transportation sector is one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions in the country. Cars, vans and trucks are responsible for a whopping 83% of emissions in the transportation sector,3 with the balance coming from aircraft, ships, boats and railways. Many Bioheat® fuel companies also deliver biodiesel or biodiesel blends. Biodiesel can be used in any vehicle normally powered by petroleum diesel, immediately lowering the company’s GHG emissions. Biodiesel is used to power trucks, municipal vehicles and school buses in some of the coldest climate regions, including the Union Pacific in Nebraska, the Canadian-National Railway Company in Montreal, New York City’s sanitation and fire departments, and cities and states across the country. One recent study found that converting heavy-duty trucks to B100 biodiesel could lead to a 45% reduction in cancer risks and 203,000 fewer or lessened asthma attacks.4 Biodiesel helps the world heal!

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